Mock up contest for the redesign of panels in (Panels mock up Contest)

The competition is declared unsuccessful due to the absence of an adequate number of bids. invites you to a mock up contest for the design of the best and most functional buyers’ and providers’ panels of its website! Visit now our website, see the current structure of the users’ panels and submit your mock up proposing new functions and features which will make them a really useful and guiding tool for buyers and providers.

Panels mock up Contest

The winner of the Panels mockup Contest will get the eCommerce platform (FESHOP) which costs 1000 euros, ready for use! You may combine this platform with your design to form an application of a much higher value to be used as you wish.

Furthermore, the five candidates obtaining the greater number of votes will get for free the «easy-hosting» service for one year, which is idea for web designers!

Each provider taking part in the contest may submit only one mockup for each panel. This means that each participant may submit up to 2 mockups, one for the providers’ panel and one for the buyers’ panel. The votes each participant obtained for the two mockups will be added and the total number of the votes will be used to draw the final results.

The color scheme, presentation and style of the mock up are up to you, as long as the’s logo is incorporated in your proposal. Our aim is to make the function of the panels as simple and understandable as possible, so that users won’t have to go through the whole guiding manual in order to use the panel properly. Furthermore, the easy use of panels will increase interaction between users as well as the possibilities for new and successful cooperations.

Providers can modify their profile through panels by adding their assessment files, view posted projects matching their expertise, bid for those that are of interest to them and also submit reports to buyers on the progress of their work.

On the other hand, buyers can post their projects through the panel, accept offers made by the providers and of course communicate with them. Panels mock up Contest

Log in as provider and by the relevant link become a buyer, too. Navigate in both panels and design your mock ups. Usability and simplicity are the two basic requirements for the mock ups.

A provider submitting mock ups for the 2 panels must upload those mock ups using the relevant link in the providers’ panel and make a remark in the field “comments” of the form explaining to which panel each mock up corresponds.

It is advisable to use the existing header and footer for the mock up(s) to be designed.

Mock up requirements
Size: 970 KB max
File Format: .png/.jpg/.gif/.ai


View examples:
Example No1
Example No2

Register as provider

Download the logo in .psd format from here

Log in as provider and upload your mock up

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Previous contest: Web site design mock up Contest