Java 2EE web application development

View components ready to be embedded in applications

Custom Java 2 Enterprise Edition Web Application CMS Project is a Java, Jsp, Servlets and JavaBeans framework of technologies ideal for sophisticated rapid development and high-performance lightweight web applications tailored to your business logic.

Ease of use - Web administration

Our software components always have a CMS so you can manage your web site using web-based administration interface without unnecessary complexity.

Moving towards a Web 2 AJAX Application Model

Websites/applications built with CMS technologies are easily enriched with Zero Install AJAX Widgets.

Service Oriented Software and Rapid Application Development

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and leveraging proven enterprise design patterns using the power of Enterprise Java allow to charge its clients only for the services of software creation and not for the end product, thereby offering more flexible solutions. has developed, tested and continuously elaborates software that can be deployed and embedded on your applications. These components are used for creating a web application or expanding its features.

Some of the components ready to be embedded are the following: