1.Understanding of your business logic

You explain your business needs to our dedicated experts on site or via internet. We create the user stories on how you imagine your business. A few sentences are created which are then expanded by you during development.


2.Assessment of your current electronic infrastructure

We make a list of your current hardware and software infrastructure so as we can build on the already purchased assets. This is the basis for your future software system design. Now we have a complete view of what needs to be done.


3.We architect a software system design tailored on your Business Logic

We strongly support the code re-use. We search for the best fitted code out of our previous work and open source projects in order to cut development costs to a minimum. We examine commercial software applications and we come up with the best design in terms of quality, cost efficiency, maintainability and usability. We create a draft system and object design documents. We present the options to you.


4.Signing of the development contract

In case of a large project we try to find the most appropriate and qualified team of experts and cost-efficient solution in all fields of development. Upon your approval of our team of experts and our draft deliverables a contract is signed and the development starts.


6.Implementation and unit testing-Integration and system testing

Final System and object design documents, program code, unit test reports, integration and system test reports are delivered during this phase. This is the main and hardest phase in creating your future system. The buyer can observe and participate in the implementation process with the developers through our online project management system.


7.Installation, operation and maintenance

The final system is installed. Changes requested by the customer are dealt with during this phase. The system users are trained by our partner developers and the system comes into testing operation.