Frequently asked questions

1. What is is a large scale website which aims to gather the needs of its buyers/clients and match them with the best service provision from our providers. It functions as Enterprise 2.0 and uses its permanent stuff along with qualified freelancers for the development of large website applications on Web 2.0 and e-commerce.

2. How does work?

The buyer posts a summary of the project he wants to be done and gets bids from the relevant providers. He chooses the offer which seems best and contacts the provider, via The details of the co-operation are mutually set and when the project is completed the buyer pays the provider using our safe and fully automated paying system. In this way, communication between buyers and freelancers is being facilitated in order to achieve faster business and more profitable co-operations.

3. What can I do as a buyer in

As a buyer you have the faculty to purchase some of our products and services or post the description of a project you wish to be done for you (post your project) and let it be developed by the registered in our network place providers.

4. How can I participate on better terms in

Apart from the basic programme, in which you can participate for free, offers the individual membership and the professional membership programmes. For more information please consult the following table:
Membership programmes

5. What steps can I follow in order to materialize my project properly in

To complete your project in the right and most suitable way, you will have to post it in and get bids from our specialized providers.
Click on “Post a new project” on your buyer’s panel, fill in the relevant fields to describe it and submit it.
As clearer and more specific your description is, the probabilities of you accepting responsible and qualitative offers are increased.

6. How can I choose the most suitable provider for my posted project?

While getting offers from the providers, you are able to see their profiles and professional expertise or even some samples of previous work. Providers make sure that the details of their bids are as clear and guiding to you as possible. You can also invite the providers for an interview through the panel with the posted projects.

7. How can I buy services from

You can go to the link "Our services" in our home page and from the new page that is presented you select " Services catalogue". In this way all the available services appear in your screen. You can add in your shopping cart whatever products you wish to buy, by selecting "Add to cart" or by clicking on each service and then select “Buy it”. When you finish your purchases, you can click on your shopping cart ant its contents appear. The price shown does not include V.A.T. If you are citizen of the European Union, you select the relevant field and the V.A.T gets automatically included to the price. After this step is done, you have only the payment to consider, which can be done with your credit card (in this page appear the credit cards that we accept).

8. What is a managed project and how is it different from a default one?

If you choose to make your project managed, becomes the manager of it, helps you find the suitable provider and becomes responsible for its right completion. After you close a deal with the provider, your project is being separated in certain stages of completion (milestones) depending on its nature and size. Each stage is completed separately and the provider gets paid for each one of them, provided that the report he submits to you is satisfactory. These activities are runned with the mediation of (project manager).

9. Under which attribute can I register in

Our users are divided in two categories, buyers and providers. Buyers are those who want a project to be done for them and seek a professional to do the job. Providers are the freelancers who provide their services to buyers and fulfill the projects that are appointed to them.

10. When I post a project, can I preserve my anonymity?

When you post a project you can choose either to submit your real name or the name of the company you may be working in. You also have the choice to hide your name or use a nickname of your own.

11. Can I see the profile of the providers who bid for my project? Can they see mine?

If during the post of your project you did not choose to keep your name hidden, then your profile can be seen by all the providers who bid for the project. In the same way, if the providers who bid for your project have not chosen to keep their names hidden, then you can also see their profiles.

12. How I can modify my profile? Will it be visible to the other members?

Through the session banner in the top of our homepage you can modify your professional data, expertise and profile, as well as upload your own assessment files. You can also choose whether your profile will be visible to other users or not.
Your profile is not included in the list which appears in our front page. That is a list of the providers’ profiles which are visible to you. If you want to be included in that list you have to register as a buyer too and fill in at least one of the profile fields.

13. What happens in case I have an argument with a provider?

In case where some disagreement emerges, you can resort at anytime in the Dispute Resolution system of, which maintains the right of taking of suitable measures, after careful view of each case.

14. What is a team in

Only buyers participating in’s individual and professional membership programs may create groups. enables buyers to create their own online company by creating groups consisting of registered members. They may thus cooperate with competent freelancers only for the time period needed without incurring any fixed costs. The group consists of distinguished users, who had already cooperated with the buyer, with whom the buyer wishes to cooperate each time a need for freelancers arises.

15. What are the main characteristics of the team?

The main characteristic of the group is that the buyer may at any time check which members of the group are online; he may also directly communicate with them via personal messages in relation to the project concerned.

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