offers hosting packages for various types of Web sites and Web applications.
We offer Apache Web server, Tomcat Application Server, connector between them when appropriate as well as MySQL Database Server hosting according to your needs.

Ideal for:

  • Business/corporate Web sites
  • Big Bandwidth Users
  • Large, Busy Database Driven Sites

Our servers are located in the New York data centre, which is one of the best data centres, offering very generous data transfer allowances for most countries in the world. Its location makes it a great option to keep latency low if you target to international visitors/clients or if you are going to need a lot of bandwidth.

Furthermore, especially for domestic Greek sites, we offer local hosting solutions that work perfectly with extra low latency for local visitors. offers sophisticated media streaming services for both sound and video streaming.

Our streaming services are ideal for sound and video live internet broadcasts, e.g. radio stations, concerts, special events or other entertainment activities.

Indicative price for e-radio services supporting up to 1000 simultaneous listeners: 100 € /month.