| Freelancer Profile

Freelancer Profile

Make an attractive profile in 3'!

A graphic for the freelancer profile

Make your profile comprehensive and attractive to our buyers, by following some simple but essential guidelines.

Edit user account

Personal data

Submit your personal data and expertise and your professional profile is completed up to 45%.

Tip:Truthful and accurate data!
Giving false data (i.e name, telephone number) cost you the confidence of our buyers in you, as well as the jobs you could have conducted with them.

Main expertise - Expertises

Pick your main expertise according to which you will be listed in our providers’ catalog. Apart from your main expertise you may pick one more to describe your expertise in a better way.

If you want to check even more areas of expertise, you should consider one of our Memberships.

1 Tip: Proper expertise submission, proper placement into providers’ catalog!
2 Tip: The more areas of expertise, the more chances to win a project!
* We welcome any new suggestions regarding any expertise may have omitted.

Professional profile

Make a strong presence and support your activity as a provider in Describe briefly but comprehensively your professional profile, decide whether your profile will be visible to other users by checking the appropriate boxes. Succeeding in doing the above you have completed at 80% your profile.

1 Tip: Upload your own photo! You will make your presence more personal,
as long as you don’t currently work for a company which suggests that you use its business logo.
2 Tip: Include the professional website or blog you may have and show the quality of your work!

Make your Portfolio!

Follow the link “Portfolio”. Upload an image from a previous job which you would like to add to your portfolio in This will immediately turn into a thumbnail and after that you can add a link and a short description.

1 Tip: Show your work!
2 Tip: Keep organized your own file with sample of your work!

Assessment files

Add the files you would like to get shown on your profile, get your own directory in database with the data you have uploaded yourselves. This data can be seen and modified only by you, and you can choose whether to make them visible to the buyer during a bid you make or not.

1 Tip: Add your CV! It will be common for all your offers and visible to a buyer only if you choose to.
2 Tip: Attach a personal letter!... to each offer you make, in order to explain your plan for the project and convince the buyer to assign it to you.

Get your link

Create your personal communication page in and get in contact with all the members by using our system and your registration e-mail address. In other words, you may create your own referral link by clicking on the link “Get your freelancing link”. If you have already completed the 80%of your business profile, you may get a simpler type of referral link, in the form of Anyone who clicks on this link gets immediately redirected to your communication page in, which he can see if he is logged in. If he is a new user, he will have to register.

1 Tip: You get your freelancing link, you get 5 credits! You can use them in game.
2 Tip: For every new user through your referral link, you get 1 point!
3 Tip: The more credits you get, the higher position you get in providers’ catalog!
4 Tip: You get better results on search engines (google, yahoo, bing)! Provided that you attach your referral link to your e-mails, website or anywhere else.

Newsletter options

By clicking on the link “Settings newsletter” you will be receiving our newsletters and in which language (English or Greek).

1 Tip: Adjust our newsletters to your needs!
2 Tip: Select by your own how you will receive the news!

* Don’t forget that in each step of editing your account, in the top of your screen you can see the percentage in which your profile is completed, and the actions required in order to complete it by 100%.
** After each adjustment, refresh your page so that the percentage gets posted and move on with your editing.
*** With a complete professional profile and the constant reference of your referral link in your e-mails, you gather points for our professional game. 1 point is equal to 1€ discount for any transactions through our e-shop and the providers with more points get listed in the top names of our providers’ catalog.

Keep in mind this simple advice during your activities in and make the best of it!