Technical documents of Category "Freelancing projects"

The technical documents of the selected category are provided below


Building an EJB 2.0 Middleware for a central database system


Building an EJB 2.0 Middleware for a central database system

This document describes the implementation of a middleware system with an underlying database that collects data from distributed business clients and a web application as GUI client interface of this central database. The implementation is based on J2EE/EJB 2.0 and specifically Entity Enterprise JavaBeans to boost performance under heavy load. ...



Examine the importance of the clauses of choice of law and choice of dispute resolution for e-commerce merchants


Examine the importance of the clauses of choice of law and choice of dispute resolution for e-commerce merchants

The boom during the nineties of e – commerce opened a new horizon for the companies to exploit the opportunity of global marketing. Its global reach is one of the Web`s most powerful attractions since it creates opportunities for companies and business organisations to penetrate markets that were previously inaccessible. Electronic Commerce as a general concept covers any form of business transaction that is conducted electronically, using telecommunication networks. Such transactions occur between companies or between companies and their customers. Most companies have already established a Web site that can be accessed by users in just about every country in the World. ...



XML re-ignites Web3D graphics technology


XML re-ignites Web3D graphics technology

In this essay I am making a short reference in vector graphics and the successful creation of new vector graphics formats based on XML grammar. Then I focus to web3D technology its dominant standard VRML and the attempt of the Web3D Consortium to strengthen it via the new successor standard X3D. I describe how could the interaction between two 3d worlds has been achieved in the past and how can this be done in the near future with the assistance of the latest technology. Finally I am making an estimation about the future of web3D technology....


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