Building a better web

The web has undergone a tremendous transformation in the past 10 years. From a simple presence on the web with brochure websites, most undertakings have graduated to conducting a substantial part of their business online. The web as a medium is changing across the globe. Business opportunities are global today, and so is competition. The need is for specialists that understand business and technology on the web. Furthermore, information technology, which includes a huge range of specific technologies, is also developing rapidly. As a result, software development companies, in order to provide competitive products and services are required to employ specialised staff covering many hi-tech sectors, provide for their continuous training in new developments, as well as the necessary administrative assistants and facilities to support their work. All these result to additional costs which are of course transferred to end customers.

At, we realise these challenges and we are here to enable undertakings to enter or expand their business into this new world.

We go beyond the “visual appeal” of our solutions, and address critical success factors such as usability, security, performance and reliability in every single assignment we take up. We do not stop where others do. We are here to build a better web. And every solution we provide is a step in that direction. From crafting your complete web strategy, to designing your identity and developing highly complex web applications, we have the organisational strength and expertise to be a partner you can rely on every day.

We are experts in e-commerce and Web 2.0 technologies and our innovation consists in the collaborative way we work and our extensive use of open source technologies. We provide a pool of highly qualified IT experts and we give the opportunity to independent professionals to collaborate for the production of high quality products and services in low prices. We provide software architecture services, as we divide a large project (e.g. software development) into smaller units according to the specific technology needed for the development of each one of them. The development of certain units may be then assigned to our freelance collaborators according to their specialisation. is always responsible for and guarantees the coordination of the overall project, the quality of the end-product/service and its delivery within the time and price agreed. services and products are presented in detail in the relevant menu categories in our website.